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Build a service

6. Run your service

Start Anvil, WAVS, and Deploy Eigenlayer

  1. Create a .env file for your project by copying over the example with the following command:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Use the following command to start an Anvil test chain and the WAVS runtime while deploying core EigenLayer contracts for your service:
make start-all
Keep WAVS running

The start-all command must remain running in your terminal. Open another terminal to run other commands.

You can stop the services with ctrl+c. Some MacOS terminals require pressing this twice.

With the chain and WAVS running, you can deploy and run your service.

Deploy solidity contracts

Open a new terminal and run the following command from the root of your project to upload your Service's Trigger and Submission contracts:

make deploy-contracts

This command uses the script located in script/Deploy.s.sol to deploy your contracts.

Deployed addresses

View your deployed trigger address:

make get-trigger-from-deploy

View your deployed submission address:

make get-service-handler-from-deploy

Deploy your service to WAVS

The following command will deploy your WASI component and service information to WAVS to be run by operators when triggered:

make deploy-service

This command specifies the event emitted from your trigger contract as the on-chain event that will trigger your service. In the Makefile, you can also see that it specifies the submission contract as the submit-address, as well as the filename of your component.

Customize variables

Open the Makefile to view the different variables that you can customize, including the trigger event, the component filename, and the service config.

You can also modify variables by specifying them before running the make command:

TRIGGER_EVENT="NewTrigger(bytes)" make deploy-service

Trigger the Service

Next, use your deployed trigger contract to trigger the oracle to be run. In the following command, you'll specify the COIN_MARKET_CAP_ID as 1, which corresponds to the ID of Bitcoin.

Running this command will execute /script/Trigger.s.sol and pass the ID to the trigger contract, starting the following chain of events:

  1. The trigger contract will emit an event with the specified ID as its data.
  2. Operators listening for the event will receive the data and run it in the oracle component off-chain.
  3. The oracle component will use the ID to query the price of Bitcoin from the CoinMarketCap API.
  4. The returned data will be signed by operators and passed to the submission contract, which will verify the operator's signature and submit the price of Bitcoin on-chain 🎉
COIN_MARKET_CAP_ID=1 make trigger-service

Show the result

Run the following to view the result of your service in your terminal:

# Get the latest TriggerId and show the result via `script/ShowResult.s.sol`
make show-result

Congratulations, you've just made a simple Bitcoin price oracle service using WAVS!

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